Surviving to Thriving: Bill Wooditch

Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment

Bill Wooditch

In this episode of “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment,” I talk with best-selling author, speaker and business owner, Bill Wooditch. Bill grew up in the backwoods of Western Pennsylvania where his mom had a singular goal: get her kids out of their dead-end factory town. His father was a strict alcoholic who never validated him, so Bill had his own mission: rebel at all costs. That meant growing his hair, smoking, drinking and working in a factory… essentially closing the door on his own future. One day as he grabbed his bologna sandwich and started off to work, he looked back at his mom who had tears in her eyes. Her worst fear had come true. Bill was on his way to nowheresville.

That feeling of disappointing his mom fueled Bill to leave his factory job, go to college and change the trajectory of his life. Listen in as he shares his path to monetary success as a top sales person at a Fortune 500 Company, then to life success. He talks about the importance of transparent communication and that to find happiness, you really have to know yourself. Today Bill is on a mission to help people improve their lifestyle options physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. Learn more about what he does at

“Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming My Darkest Moment” also exists as a video interview. Watch it below!



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