#360- The Grey Area of Emotional Change

#360- The Grey Area of Emotional Change

As much as we want life to be black and white so we can keep things neat and tidy, it’s not. That is your intellect trying to run the show. Everything is a shade of grey, especially when it comes to emotions. When you put your mind in charge of your emotional state, you make fear-based choices. There is no deep connection to yourself so you rely on rules rather than trusting yourself. Emotions are esoteric; they cannot be easily described or labeled because words are a mental construct. Stop trying to separate the black paint from the white when they are all swirled together. Let them mix, it’s ok!

When it comes to emotional change there are no absolutes. You have to feel your way through, make mistakes, and keep on going. Needing a bunch of black and white rules means you don’t trust yourself. If you wait for a sign that it’s ok to step into your fear, you’ll be waiting a long time. It’s ok to live in the grey and not know how things will turn out. In fact it’s the only way to emotionally grow. When you find yourself making decisions from fear, stop looking for rules about what you should or shouldn’t do. Instead, walk through the grey zone of emotional uncertainty and trust yourself you’ll be ok.







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