#355- Journey of Attachment: Making a Decision? Fear is Not the Place to Start

#355- Journey of Attachment: Making a Decision? Fear is Not the Place to Start

For many people, fear motivates their decision-making; particularly the fear of loss. They think choosing this way will somehow circumvent struggle, but it just entrenches them further. Coming from fear always costs more than coming from happiness, peace or love. So why do you do it? Emotional baggage creates a negative perspective from which you view your choices. You falsely believe making a decision from this fear-based state will somehow save you. It won’t.

If you’re in a dysfunctional relationship and want to leave because you’re unhappy, fear may keep you stuck in it. Letting go of that relationship could mean your partner finds someone new while you remain alone. Or you fear your partner is the best you’ll have and no one will come close. You make your decision to stay based on the fearful stories you tell yourself, but this means more painful struggle, not less. You will continually find yourself faced with the same problems you’re trying to escape unless you sit with your feelings, connect with your inner truth and make choices from a peaceful place instead.







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