#377- Journey of Attachment: I Left My Controlling Mate and Now I’m Attached to Another One

#377- Journey of Attachment: I Left My Controlling Mate and Now I’m Attached to Another One

You finally called it quits with your partner who always told you what to do and when to do it. You complained about how he/she controlled you or manipulated you, so ending the relationship felt like a huge relief. But not long after that one ended, you walked straight into another one, leaving you to wonder why everyone is such a controlling a-hole. Where are all the “normal” people?

Ending a relationship because you think the other person is the problem is not the path to a healthy relationship. Until you look at how you showed up and how you helped create the situation, you’ll keep repeating the same old patterns that landed you in these controlling relationships. If you keep convincing yourself it’s about them, you’re robbing yourself of the chance at a healthy relationship. You are the only one who can change the dynamic. Get to the root of why you choose controlling partners (hint: it speaks to what you believe you deserve), then make choices toward valuing yourself and filling your own void. Once you do this you’ll attract someone who allows you to be who you are, without the shackles.







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Tracy Crossley

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