#353- Journey of Attachment: Unspoken Rules, Agreements and Promises

#353- Journey of Attachment: Unspoken Rules, Agreements and Promises

Do you live your life based on rules, promises and agreements you made as a kid? Maybe you think things need to be a certain way, but you’re not sure why. Promises can influence many areas of your life without you even realizing it. It could be something as simple as why you don’t like broccoli. Maybe your dad hated it so you thought there was something wrong with it. To please your dad, you decided not to like broccoli either. Years later you still don’t eat broccoli because you think you don’t like it, but you haven’t tasted it since you were a kid.

The problem with these unspoken rules and promises is they have NOTHING to do with what you actually want. They are like a bunch of road signs that push you in a certain direction, keeping you from experiencing life. If you grew up with parents in a dysfunctional relationship, you may have equated marriage with yelling and pain. As an adult, you might have trouble with long-term relationships without knowing why. You don’t realize your younger self made a promise never to get married, which has prevented you from getting close to anyone. But once you identify the unspoken promises that no longer serve you, you can break them. And once you do that, all sorts of opportunities open up.







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